
We are a local body of believers standing firmly in biblical Christian tradition, committed to worshipping the Triune God in Spirit and Truth, preaching His sovereign Grace, and witnessing the living and life-giving Christ in a dead culture and world.

Understanding that we are made for no greater calling than to glorify the Lord and to enjoy Him forever, we desire that God build and grow Living by Faith Church, not as a monument to ourselves or a community unto ourselves, but with the purpose of bringing honor, praise, and worship to our God, serving those around us as Christ has served us. We are committed to the following:

Equipping a church that is called to penetrate the culture in all its diverse spheres, called to be a city on a hill, a light in a community of non and new-believers—young and old, rich and poor, liberal and conservative.

Learning to be a church that intentionally engages the questions of skeptic and believer alike with the truth of the gospel and the fullness of the Word of God.

Living as a church that comes and goes, as we send our members out from the church and into the city and country, moving into communities and workplaces of the Rio Grande Valley, and across the border into Mexico, as faithful missionaries of Christ (we enter to worship but leave to serve).

A church that celebrates life by manifesting the joy of God’s glory in creation and redemption, and seeking His face with a worshipful vigor every day of the week and not just on Sunday.

A compassionate church that understands and works to heal brokenness and the continuing effects of sin.


Living by Faith Church is a member of the Fellowship of Mere Christianity (FMC). Click on the logo for more information.

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